Fill up your tank
Jesus Himself set the example for us to follow regarding attending church. Luke 4:16 tells us that it was His habit to attend services in the house of God. The Bible also tells us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching Hebrews 10:25.
Why is God concerned about our attending church? One reason we go to church is to hear the Word because it is the Word that produces faith Romans 10:17. But the church is not a parking lot; it is a filling station. It's where you go to get filled with the Word so you can go out and bless others. You wouldn't take your car to the gas station, drive it home, park it in the garage, and never drive it. In the same way, when you get filled up with the Word of God in church, you are empowered to go out and share your faith.
The Christian life is not about how often you go to church. It is about what you do after you leave the church building. Time spent in God's house gives you the power you need to successfully live out your faith throughout the week.
Declaration of Faith
As I fill up on God's Word in fellowship with other believers, my faith is energized to share Jesus with others.
Why is God concerned about our attending church? One reason we go to church is to hear the Word because it is the Word that produces faith Romans 10:17. But the church is not a parking lot; it is a filling station. It's where you go to get filled with the Word so you can go out and bless others. You wouldn't take your car to the gas station, drive it home, park it in the garage, and never drive it. In the same way, when you get filled up with the Word of God in church, you are empowered to go out and share your faith.
The Christian life is not about how often you go to church. It is about what you do after you leave the church building. Time spent in God's house gives you the power you need to successfully live out your faith throughout the week.
Declaration of Faith
As I fill up on God's Word in fellowship with other believers, my faith is energized to share Jesus with others.
Flettingar í dag: 5163
Gestir í dag: 25
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Gestir í gær: 16
Samtals flettingar: 1869206
Samtals gestir: 91027
Tölur uppfærðar: 12.3.2025 16:27:19