A vessel of Life.
The first miracle Jesus performed was turning water into wine at a wedding. The two things He asked the servants to do with the waterpots from which the wine was poured are the same things we must do to become anointed vessels that God can use. First, the waterpots had to be emptied and cleansed of anything left over from their last use. In the same way, to be a vessel God can use, we must allow ourselves to be emptied of anything unlike God.
Once the vessels were emptied, Jesus instructed the servants to fill the waterpots with water. "And they filled them up to the brim", John 2:7. Water is a type of the Holy Spirit. For God to use us, we need to be filled with the Spirit of God. We all have sustained cracks or damage in our lives. But when the Holy Spirit fills us, we are sealed so that where there were once leaks and cracks, we are now made whole II Corinthians 1:22.
Next, Jesus told the servants to pour out some of the wine and take it to the bridegroom John 2.8. Once we allow the Holy Spirit to empty us and fill us, we are ready to be poured out to bless others. The water never would have become wine if it hadn't been poured out. What is put in us by the Holy Spirit needs to come out and bring life to someone else. This is what John 7:38 is talking about when it says, "He that believeth on me...out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." That's the Holy Spirit being poured out of us. Wherever there is darkness, we are to be vessels of God who pour light and healing into hurting people.
Declaration of Faith
As I allow God to pour His Spirit into me, I become an anointed vessel He can use to pour out His love to others.

Once the vessels were emptied, Jesus instructed the servants to fill the waterpots with water. "And they filled them up to the brim", John 2:7. Water is a type of the Holy Spirit. For God to use us, we need to be filled with the Spirit of God. We all have sustained cracks or damage in our lives. But when the Holy Spirit fills us, we are sealed so that where there were once leaks and cracks, we are now made whole II Corinthians 1:22.
Next, Jesus told the servants to pour out some of the wine and take it to the bridegroom John 2.8. Once we allow the Holy Spirit to empty us and fill us, we are ready to be poured out to bless others. The water never would have become wine if it hadn't been poured out. What is put in us by the Holy Spirit needs to come out and bring life to someone else. This is what John 7:38 is talking about when it says, "He that believeth on me...out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." That's the Holy Spirit being poured out of us. Wherever there is darkness, we are to be vessels of God who pour light and healing into hurting people.
Declaration of Faith
As I allow God to pour His Spirit into me, I become an anointed vessel He can use to pour out His love to others.
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Tölur uppfærðar: 12.3.2025 16:27:19